Stay active, the COA way!
Connect with people who encourage and motivate you to stay active.
There are many activities at your COA!
Get involved, find a new hobby and make new friends.
Get out there!
Enjoy the sun and fresh air
Volunteer at the COA
Become part of a wonderful community of people who enjoy helping others. There are many ways to offer your talents and time at the COA.

The Cass County Council on Aging is a non-profit organization that provides a broad range of services to Cass County seniors.  Our mission is to provide services and programs to assist individuals to age and live well with dignity and independence. 



Our Services

The Cass County COA is dedicated to Enhancing Life for thousands of people. Take a step in the door of either our Cassopolis or Dowagiac location and you will find active, engaging programs that promote community, lifelong learning and social connectedness.
Front Street Crossing

This Week's Activities

Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
All times
9:00am Yoga
9:00am Foot Clinic
10:00am Tai Chi (FSC)
10:00am Chess (FSC)
11:30am Lunch
12:45pm Bingo (FSC)
1:00pm Mah Jongg
1:30pm Fit 30
10:00am Tai Chi (FSC)
11:30am Lunch
12:45pm Bingo (FSC)
1:00pm Pinochle
1:15pm Bingo (Lowe)
1:30pm Fit 30
9:00am Yoga
11:00am Step Aerobics
11:30am Lunch
12:00pm Rotary
1:00pm Grief Support
1:00pm Euchre (FSC)