By The Numbers
Number of Volunteers
Average Monthly Visits
Meals on Wheels Delivered
Volunteer Hours
Visits to our Fitness Center and Fitness Classes
Hours That Participants Were Helped in Adult Day Services
Our Mission:
The Cass County Council on Aging provides services and programs to assist individuals to age and live well with dignity and independence
Our Vision:
Cass County Council on Aging is the leader in programs and services that help Cass County adults live longer, fuller lives.
Our Values:
- Every individual is entitled to live in dignity and to be respected and valued as a human being.
- Trust and commitment are essential to the development and growth of all human relationships.
- The success of any organization is achieved by maintaining the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and ethics.
- Continuous learning is imperative for the growth and development of the Agency.
- Staff and volunteers are an asset to the agency and their talents deserve recognition.
Code of Conduct:
The COA is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all members and guests while participating in programs and services at its locations. We expect all members, guests, contractors and staff to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others.
Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
- Inappropriate or disruptive behavior or language that disturbs other participants and staff.
- Harassment of participants or staff based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.
- Failure to maintain personal cleanliness, hygiene and appropriate attire (e.g., body odor, infested clothing, etc.)
- Unwanted physical contact with another person, including, but not limited to, physical contact with another person in an angry or threatening way.
- Bullying or other behavior which may intimidate, offend, degrade, threaten or humiliate members or staff.
- Loitering, lounging on the furniture or sleeping within the building for long periods of time.
- Any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening, or offensive nature.
- Unapproved solicitation, campaigning, distribution of literature, offering items for sale, circulation of a petition or survey, videotaping or photographing. Any of these activities require advance authorization from the Executive Director or his/her designee.
- Members and guests shall not bring pets or animals into the COA, other than service dogs, as defined by the American with Disabilities Act, that are trained to perform tasks or do work for the benefit of a person with a disability.
- Disregarding posted rules, signs, and staff direction including social distancing, directional signage as well as required use of personal protective equipment.
Code of Conduct Violations may result in (a) verbal or written reprimand; (b) temporary or permanent loss of Center privileges; or (c) such other steps deemed necessary by the COA