Lowe Center - Cassopolis, MI

60525 Decatur Rd.
Cassopolis, MI 49031
(269) 445-8110


The COA Lowe Center in Cassopolis is a 17-acre site on the corner of M-60 and Decatur Road. This location was made possible by the generosity of Edward and Darlene Lowe, the Lowe Foundation, many residents of Cass County and other friends of the Council. The Edward Lowe Center for the Council on Aging is located in the geographic center of the county. The Administrative offices were previously the Geneva School, and then became a church before serving as the headquarters for Edward Lowe Industries. In September 1998, the COA moved into the former Hail Entrepreneur building, and a year later saw the completion of the new 12,000 square foot senior center addition.


Since its opening, the Edward Lowe Center for the Council on Aging has continued to evolve as a one-stop shop for services and programs benefiting the citizens of Cass County.  Today these services include Meals on Wheels, Home Care, Medical Transportation, Adult Day Services, Lifelong Learning, and Leisure Activities.


Facilities include:



This Week's Activities at the Lowe Center

Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
All times
9:00am Yoga
9:00am Foot Clinic
11:30am Lunch
1:00pm Mah Jongg
1:30pm Fit 30
11:00am Step Aerobics
11:30am Lunch
1:00pm Euchre (Lowe)
3:00pm Line Dance
11:30am Lunch
1:00pm Pinochle
1:15pm Bingo (Lowe)
1:30pm Fit 30
9:00am Yoga
11:00am Step Aerobics
11:30am Lunch
1:00pm Grief Support
10:30am Sing Along
11:30am Lunch
1:15pm Bingo (Lowe)
1:30pm Fit 30